National monitoring of unlawful violence in police in 2020

The report contains the results of the research of the spread of torture and ill-treatment in police which covers the scale, causes and consequences of these phenomena in Ukraine. The topic of gender-based violence and discrimination against women is examined separately. The work provides the results of the 2020 survey of the population of Ukraine,… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the department of patrol police of Ukraine in Donetsk oblast

This report contains the results of the assessment of the institutional capacity of the Department of Patrol Police in Donetsk Oblast, including the studies of work activity management, human resources, interaction with the community, logistic and main tenance support, and other factors. It also includes some conclusions and recom mendations for improving the work of… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the directorate of patrol police in Luhansk oblast

A special original toolkit has been developed to implement this assessment. The questions therein were based on the provisions of the UNDP Capacity Assessment Methodology and the Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit created by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, taking into account the specifics of local legislation and the system of management of… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the main department of the national police of Ukraine in Donetsk oblast

This report contains the results of the assessment of the institutional capacity of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Donetsk Oblast, including the studies of work activity management, human resources, interaction with the community, logistic and maintenance support and other factors. It also includes some conclusions and recommendations for improving the… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the main directorate of the national police in Luhansk oblast

This report contains the findings of an assessment of the institutional capacity of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Luhansk Oblast, including studies of work activity management, human resources, interaction with the community, logisticsand ma intenance support and other factors. It also includes some conclusions and recommendations for improving the work of the… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the main department of the state emergency service of Ukraine in Donetsk oblast

This report contains the results of the assessment of the institutional capacity of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Donetsk Oblast, including the studies of work activity management, human resources, interaction with the community, logistic and maintenance support and other factors. It also in cludes some conclusions and recommendations for… Читати далі

Assessment of the institutional capacity of the main directorate of the state emergency service In Luhansk oblast

This report contains the results of the assessment of the institutional capacity of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in Luhansk Oblast, including stud ies of work activity management, human resources, interaction with the communi ty, logistics and maintenance support and other factors. It also includes some con clusions and recommendations for improving… Читати далі


Considering the history of recent years, it is the community safety in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions that is of greatest concern. How many people in the region feel safe depends on everything from rebuilding infrastructure to creating services. That is why the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine (UNDP) provides considerable support to the… Читати далі



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